Short Horror Stories - The Shower Curtain

        She walked into the bathroom. The reflection of her pale skin shone. The dark circles created the illuson of black eyes. Her hair was a mess due to the following night. That night was the worst with the noises waking her up. She and her cat are the only people in her apartment. She opened the cupboard to reach for her toothbrush and toothpaste. She was so tired she nearly missed. The shower curtain hung like drapes beside her, making her feel closed in. She cosed the cupboard and dropped her toothbrush. There was someone or something standing behind her in the mirror. She swung around fast, but saw no one. There was nothing that could have given that illusion. She let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the mirror slowly. There was nothing in the mirror this time. She hesitated but the brushed her teeth. The thought still crossed her mind of the figure, but then let it slip away. She thought it was becuse of the lack of sleep. She continued to feel uneasy. As if someone was watching her. Then, the shower curtain beside her shifted, making her jump towards the door frame. Her heart was beating in her chest a mile a minute. The drain in the bathtub began to shake with such force she thought it would break off. The shower curtain hung down and blocked her veiw of the bathtub. She wanted to pull the curtain and shiw herself it was just her cat messing with her, but then she saw something in the mirror again. She spun and saw her cat, sitting at the door way. She turned toward the bath, heart beating faster. That was not her cat. That was something else. Scratching sounds started echoing the bathroom. Her hands became sweaty. She couldn't breathe. Her lungs felt heavy and too large for her body. The scratching became worse. Louder. Deeper. Her hands came up to her ears to block the sound. Her eyes clamped shut from the headache she was getting. Then, the scaratching stopped. The drain stopped. Quiet again. She opened her eyes and gasped. The shower curatin was pulled back and ripped to shreds. She moved closer to the bath. Step by step. Inch by inch until she was at the rim. She crouhed down. There was red streaks coating the bathtub. She knew what it was. Blood. She saw something beneath the blood, etched into the bath. She leaned forward to get a better look. Then her nech fet cold, from a cold, dead hand. Before she could do anything her head was forced against the bathtun rim, and she blacked out. 


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