Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan on August 19, 1928 · Page 74

PART ,Tir Hg peraoiT rugg b 8 s 9 tjn p a v avqvst t , of the City of Detroit Tv Z Teachers' College The S? Det"' lege of Pharmlcy and Thi r' College of Law he Drw r u- Big Plant Leased New Home Featured By Center Entrance NEW SCHOOLS COST 5 MILLION Continued From Page One. EGORSE TO GET NEW INDUSTRY Continued From rage One. the Macomb school at Harrell and Camden; the Columbus school on Hayes boulevard; Hampton school on Dexter boulevard south of Seven-mile road; Tappan Interme "' new scnoois birj2 rK In September the Cooley s,l named after Thomas J hor' former chief Justice of W-i the David McKenzie schoo or of David McKenzie! d?an V'' College of the City 0f D r , 'll MeHan'ly f8Ch01 h o V5 itHcouVrmer JUd6 0f t. ARCHITECTS TOVie FOR GOLFING HONORS Michigan Society of Archi,e" s 5 ' be held at the Gowanie 1:1 club, Mt Clemens. Thu.1 gust 23. the tournament to V"; day meet, as announced hv u ! T Millar, chairman of talnrnent committee. The rn"! V' the tournament site is out Ha avenue to the end of the pa where a turn to the right h for the half mil. u. m"! diate school at Turner and Tuxedo, and Finney school at Frankfort and Guilford. At the close of the school year in June, 1928, the board of education of the city of Detroit had under its Jurisdiction 177 elementary schools, 14 intermediate schools, ;P f$L As " -' .. rift .4v i? 9fX-. Tmaso A 4 five trade scnoois, jo nign scnoois, live colleges and 19 other special education buildings. The colleges under control of the I board are the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, the College Gowanie Country club. ,ht NEW TRUST GO. . HOME UNIQUE Many Innovations Incorporated in Majestic 40-Story ' Structure. The vividly colored new home of the Union Trust company embodies many novel and unique ideas, in addition to its revolutionary use of color, according to a representative of the architects, Smith, Hlnchman Sc Grylls. To begin where this tremendous new 40-story structure begins, the caissons on which It rests were put down 135 feet below sidewalk level to bedrock. This gives the Union TruBt company the distinction of being the only banking institution in the state of Michigan and possibly In a much greater area to own its own building with a foundation resting upon bedrock. Two L'nique Services. Two of the unique services which will be offered to tenants are the use of the facilities of the trust company's medical dispensary on the ninth floor and of the dining room on the thirty-second floor. Many rare woods are being used in the interior finish of the building. One of the most Interesting from the standpoint of its history will panel the walls of a conference room adjoining the directors' room on the sixth floor. This conference room will be known as the Michigan White Pine room, because the wood for its panels was cut on the estate of the president of the trust company, Frank W. Blair, at Orion, Mich. Some of the unique features of the building of special interest to the artist are the use of Monel metal, a white compound of nickel which will give a predominant silver effect instead of a bronze or copper. Free Press Want Ads not only click but keep on clicking. J f Jiany Is one of the largest manufacturers of trunks and suitcases in the country. Woodward Site Sold. The sale of a four-story building on the east side of Woodward avenue, between Congress and Lamed streets, at $7,500 a foot, said to be considerably below actual valuation of property in this block, was reported by Samuel Rosenberg of the firm of Faber A Rosenberg. Mr. Rosenberg did not disclose the purchaser's name, or to what use the building would be put. It also was reported by this same member that his firm had sold the southwest corner of Lin wood and Richton, a Vacant lot 60 by 100, for $33,000. Howard J. Ely, of Ely Brothers, reported the sale of 2H acres of industrial property on the southwest corner of Martin and Bruckner avenues on the Michigan Central railway, for $44,000. At the weekly meetings of the division members exchange sales information and make offers and requests for properties for their clients. An example of the cooperation existing is shown in the report of a trade negotiated by Paterson Brothers & Company. The Starrett Land company, through Howard Starrett, recently offered for sale at one of the meetings property at 146 and 154 Stlmson street. A Paterson Brothers 4 Company representative placed the property before the brokerage department of his firm, with the result that one of the salesmen shortly thereafter traded it to a client owning property at 2179 Seminole avenue which he wished to exchange for property of the character offered by the Starrett company. The total amount involved was $135,000, SEE 15861 OHIO TODAY With the leasing of 20,000 square feet of floor space at 8775 Conant avenue, a new lndiwlry makes lit debut in Detroit and vicinity. The Mavis Bottling company, makers of Mavis, is the newcomer. The building, a modern manufacturing structure, formerly the plant of the Graham Brothers Truck company, was leased for a period of five years from the Swedish Crucible Steel company. The structure Is of Bteel, concrete and glass and Is said to be thoroughly fireproof throughout. Bottling equipment of the most modern design, valued at $150,000 has been Installed and the plant now has a daily capacity of 72,000 bottles, one of the largest in the state. The Mavis Bottling company, whose main office is In Baltimore, now has 14 plants In operation In the largest cities In the tnlted States and one In Mexico City. Distribution is now being arranged In Detroit and vicinity and Is going forward at a rapid pace with the aid of an extensive campaign of newspaper advertising. BRICK iNGLISH TYPE tiled bath and built-in tub and shower, fold-away breakfast set and metal weatherstrlpping throughout. Interior decorations Include antique plaster and painted walls. Other fine features are the best in Kohler plumbing fixtures, Frigl-daire, steam heating plant, natural fireplace and beautifully tiled vestibule, with separate wardrobe. The superior architecture and craftsmanship built into this home has been attained without any material Increase in costs over ordinary homes, it is claimed. The home is open for inspection Sundays and week day afternoons and evenings. David J. Hirsch, realtor, is associated with the Hopp Building company as sales agent of this desirable property. Hopp Built Residence Is Opened in Marygrove College Section. An unusual feature of modern home construction Is the convenient center entrance as portrayed in the accompanying photo of the brick English type home at 158C1 Ohio avenue, designed and built by the Hopp Building company. This home is located In the heart of the Marygrove college section at Six-Mile road and in the vicinity of the new Fitzgerald public school. The home contains seven rooms, including three large airy bedrooms (each with cross ventilation), all rfo MWtf ! i"" the commission being divided between the offering broker and Paterson Brothers & Company. Other Sales Reported. Six sales, consisting of two single homes, a two-flat, a four-flat, a store and flat, and a building job, the total aggregating $75,000, were reported by W. W. Gates. One of the single homes, an 8-room structure at 59 Smith avenue, was sold for $16,000, and the other, a six-room house at 7509 Richmond, was sold for $8,000. The two-flat at 5533 Pennsylvania avenue was sold for $12,000, and the four-flat at 888-890 Brewster street for $11,000. The store and flat property is located at 11187 Grand River avenue and sold for $20,000. The building contract was for two stores on the Six-Mile road, near Wyoming, at a cost of $7,500. Setting Major Factor In Selection Of Home Seven Rooma: Three large, airy bedrooms, each with croii ventilation. All tile bath with built-in tub and ihower. Sti-am heat. Frigidaire. Real fireplace. Foldaway breakfait act. Mrtal weatherstrips thruout. Antique plaater and painted walli. Hand-rubbed finiih on Cum, downatairs. Front dining room. Center entrance. Tile vestibule with coat eloiet and built-in mail box. Kohler plumbing and very lateit electric fixture!. Wired for Radio, aerial installed. Alto 2-car garage and tide drive. Screen! and shadea. Open Sunday, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Daily, 2 to 9. "A Remarkable Value" For Sale or Will Duplicate on Your Lot HIRSCHREALTOR Longfellow 6953-6954 . 4 ; ? v Ml v H . .imp.- '-.ptCl i ml ii In . gi I x i Yi u & I ' 1 l ' J Tf - f L $tltJmits , I , , IHMI"""""M"I """I""'"T"' Jl A 'I' lli! W- 4il6i ) n fit I 4 i The IDEAL 3231 6-Mile Road, West In the Ohio Avenue Home-Carpentry Work by Russel G. SMITI-T 'Red QFlash" 2051 Cass Blvd., Berkeley 3oiler """"'"tured y ' Am.r- can tvadiaior company guaran- Royal Oak 4573 tees you the very latest in boiler designs. Mobas Window Shades NATIONAL WINDOW SHADE CO. Surroundings Enhance or Mar . Beauty and Charm of Dwelling. BY .O. MAFLE. Vice-President, Border Cities Co. It takes more than brick and stone to make a home. Edgar Guest has written a poem stating "It takes a heap of livin' in a house to make a home," but even with a well-built structure and "a heap of livin' " the ethical real estate man thinks of other necessary requisites. Webster defines a home as "the abiding place of affections." The walls may be beautiful but cold, the threshold may be scarred with the footprints of many generations, the life within may seem Joyful, but with all this something may be lacking. Setting Is Important. The setting in which a house is found means as much in making it a place to foster the growth of affections as what goes on inside. It Is not the sidewalk in front or tha basement beneath that n;kes a house. "All Improvements in" is a phrase often heard from inexperienced operators. But these are a small part of the environment making a house a home. No poet ever writes about the decorations of the walls, the material in the foundation, the width of the sidewalks or the depth of the basement. The qualities that make a house a home are the magnetic lines of force that draw the wanderers back to the magnet. These influences are the "highways that are happy ways if they lead the way to home." A home is like a great empire or kingdom the house the capitol city. Wherever a subject goes, there is the empire. The empire is a network of invisible lines that, beginning with the abiding place of those who love their country, thread through the social structure of the world to the palace of the king. The home begins where the interests of the family are, and includes that essence along the streets and highways that leads to the house. The home is an institution not made 8938 Linwood Garfield 9610 with hands, but unlimited in its scope. Care Is Stressed. It is this conception of b home that makes some real estate ventures more profitable than others, that makes the advice of an experienced realtor necessary in buying a lot. To make money on a real estate investment one should select his real estate company as carefully as his physician. A good company does more than sell a lot or offer a house to the highest bidder. It selects and develops properties that meet the requirements for a home. More than this, one should keep in mind that the requirements for a home change year by year, from generation to generation. As social and educational opportunities grow the demands for a home become more varied. Home Life Changes. At one time in the races' history a cave or tent was the acme of human desires. But as civilization grew the community life became more extensive, the needs more numerous and the home life more important. Under the changing influence of time man began to need more than a roof to keep out the sunshine and rain. His home became a birthplace of ideals, the laboratory for the intensive gardening of youth. Often in a rapidly growing Industrial city a cottage on a narrow, barren lot is sutlicient for a time But as the standard of living changes, a new conception of home is born. The family demands more than a place to eat and sleep. The international city, composed of Detroit and the border cities, has reached this stage. There are many thousands demanding more than a house. They want a home. They want the chance to build where home demands are met. Although they want to live near the center of things, where big things are happening, they demand fresh air and sunshine. The business man wishes to get to his office quickly and after his day's work is done to reach his golf course or other recreational opportunities with the least possible waste of time. He wants a home where the ideals of his neighbors are similar to his own. He wants community life without the sacrifice of time to reach it. World's Eyes on Area. The builders of the beautiful Am Painting and Decorating in the Ohio Ave. Home by ti ti u r n n . q'r X X D Q -ML. 1 IS- ... . 5 i h o u ? I? I 11 TT" 1 O. WEINZWEIG 11703 Broad Street Garfield 854 1-W Plumbing and Heating Installation in the Ohio Avenue Home by JOHN SHEEHY RELIABLE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I: Again Today 2 SO. SLOCK SOUTH OF ntsTsnrg 20143 Li vernois Longfellow 0533 Antique and Ornamental Plastering by S. DICKMAN 2912 Webb Ave. Hemlock 9136-M by Popular Demand The Master Style Home o1928 ' HUGE DETROIT GROWTH SEEN Continued From Tage One. bassador bridge and the Detroit- - I V V - M n .! U fS Windsor tunnel realize this universal desire. These men know that if they remove the barrier between the poles of human needs by Improved transportation, the ex if w S 1 ' penditure of $50,000,000 will prove profitable. "I I :M7? T H Mil South Windsor is a necessary element In this changing situation. The home sites hers In a properly restricted district near the wide streets leuding to the bridge and tunnel will not only be sought, but si? Z win oe necessary. It is very evident that to make the most money In South Windsor real estate the Investor should select properties that measure up to The Grosse Pointe is located at 831 Tromhley A venue. Windmill Pointe, Grosse Pointe. It is open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. For a most interesting half hour, drive out NOW and see it ! A DIRECTORY: For many years, Ike Roscoe W. Babcock organisation has done business with the followinf firms and has found them reliable and dependable in every way. To their worthy products goes much of the credit for the unvarying fine quality of Roscoe Babcock homes: BRICK I Sand Limrl Rocheeter Sand A Brick Co., Haggorty & Thciaen. BRUCELLIZED OAK FLOORING Braun Lumbar Corp., 1155 . Davison. CAREY ASBESTOS AND ASPHALT SHINGLES BUILT-UP ROOFING Judson Lumbar Co., 12844 Greenfield. CAPITOL BOILERS AND RADIATORS U. S. Radiator Corp, 517 Dimo Bank Bldf CAULKING Detroit Caulklnf W.lth.r-proofing Co., 1347 E. Jefferaon. CEMENT WORK Flautt Bros., 9717 American Ave. CUT STONE John E. Smith Cut Stone Co, Woodland and Grand Trunk R. R. ELECTRIC FIXTURES Mlller-Schade Co, IS49I Woodward Ave. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION The Strel- linger-Copeland Co., 4490 Cass Ave. GLAZING American Glass Co, 14Z3 Hoi- den Ave. INSULATION The Celotex Co, 821 Lafayette. KITCHEN CABINETS Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets, 204 Donovan Bldg. LINOLEUM BLABON S The Ceneral Floor Co, 1702 W. Fort St. LUMBER and MILL WORK Braun Lumber Corp, 1 155 E. Davison. MIAMI TILE The Judson Lumber Co, 12844 Greenfield. MEDICINE CABINETS Master Cabinet Co, 58 Custer. OIL BURNER "Safety Burner" by Cope-Swift Co, Inc., 1513 Broadway. PAINT The Johnston Paint A Class Co, 321 W. Jefferson Ave. PLUMBING FIXTURES and SUPPLIES Crane Co, 150 Randolph St. RESIDENTIAL STEEL CASEMENTS Detroit Steel Products Co, 805 Stevens Bldg. SHINCLES and ROOFING Frank H. Gillespie Co, Inc, 1 1779 Cloverdale Ave. STRUCTURAL STEEL M. H. Wilkins Co, 6521 Anatell Ave. THERMOSTATS Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co, 2847 Grand River. TILE Gardner A Buchanan, 13950 Marlowe Ave. WALL BEDS White Wall Bed Co, 204 Donovan Bldg. WALL PAPER Perkins Bros, 8995 Grand River Ave. WINDOW SHADES Chas. E. Whlteman, 195 Church St, Highland Park, Mich. Last Sunday hundreds visited this charming creation of Roscoe Babcock craftsmen the Grosse Pointe master style home of 1928. Today, by request, it will be open again so that all Detroit may have the opportunity to study the beauty, quality and completeness of this home masterpiece. Are you familiar with the newest features that go into better home construction: Sound but wormy oak floors, Zen-itherm window sills, vitreous china bathroom fixtures, handmade Roman mosaic baths and showers, jewel safe, Bruccl-lized oak floors, concealed lights, triple-duty boiler? Perhaps not! But, today you have the privilege of seeing these latest conveniences, the colorful new modes of interior decoration, 21 rooms of valuable new ideas, built into a residence that has well earned the title of the master style home of 192S. We invite you to visit the Grosse Pointe today, or any day this week. It is located in a delightful section of exclusive Grosse Pointe Park. Plan to drive out. The map above will guide you. inese needs. Temporary embellish ments are not important. It Is those deeper and more permanent aitriDutcs tnat make value. The eyes of the world today are on South Windsor because the dis trict is happily located where homes will be in greater demand than houses. The Litchfield The Ultra Modern "Model Home" Home seekers and home lovers! Here is a "Model Home ' you cannot afford to miss seeing. Open daily for inspection from 12 Noon to 10 P. M. Located at 20110 Litchfield. Get there by driving out Woodward to the 8-Mile Road west three block to Litchfield then three blocks south. cess of 60.000 per annum; from 1923 to 1927, over 100.000; from 1920 to 1927, more than 90,000; hence a general average of more than 80,000. This means that in 20 years Detroit will have an Increase in population greater than its present total; and the metropolitan area surrounding Detroit will have a corresponding increase. Four years ago the Detroit water board estimated that Detroit's population in 19S5 would be 3,400.000. We say that it will be approximately 3,100,000 In 1948. Why should growth continue at this rate? Because: This city will continue to be America's principal market for skilled labor. Industry in general continues to expand in number and In performance. In the past five years an average of more than 50 new Industries per annum have come to Detroit. Last year there were 65, and this year there will be still more. Detroit is developing a greater diversity of manufacture than any Industrial center in the country. Its geographical location contributes largely to this. Eminent analysts proclaim that Detroit is destined to be the "queen city of the western hemisphere." Workers Attracted Here. Detroit leads in the manufacture of a larger number of commodities than any large industrial city in the United States. Detroit will yet be the airplane production center of America. It is inevitable because it naturally follows and belongs where automotive production excels. Of course, Detroit will continue to grow, and so will land values throughout the entire metropolitan area, because Detroit will always be predominantly a city of homes. Those subdivisions which a few years ago were supposed to be "far out" are today being spotted with homes. The movement to the outlying districts is on. That is why there will be many who will say In the near future: "I wish I had bought Detroit v- Built and financed on your lot. $10,700 STORE SITES IN A GROWING CENTER A great shopping district it springing up about West Milwaukee one block from the intersection of Grand Blvd. and Woodward. The near completion of the Fisher Building . , . The new Bank of Detroit . . . The movement of commercial activity from downtown . . And the rapid extension of general business in this growing section make store sites on West Milwaukee more desirable more valuable every day. LOW PRICES STILL PREVAIL. But it would pay you well to let us tell you today about the rare bargains we are offering there. T. H. WELCH CO. 303 Hammond Bldf. j COUPON 0 Rotcot W. Babcock, Inc. ' , 8300 Woodward Ave, Dttroil. ' t Pleaaa otnd mo your frpo two-color t booklet of now homts in and near Detroit. . Nam - ' j. Addrmm ' RED SEAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Extension Bureau of Detroit, 304 Lincoln Bldg. INCLUDES THESE SPECIAL FEATURES: A real fireplace. The trim is four-coat rubbed finish. Tile bath and downstairs lavatory. Forced air heat. Electroiux Service Free refrigerator. Incinerator. Automatic water heater. Many other special features. Corporation 138 Cadillac Square Phone Cadillac 3564 oscoe W BabcocJKj "Babcock Homes Are Better Howes' 8300 Woodward Empire 9772 ! -nnt in


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